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      Confronting the Heatwave to Uphold Safety at Sea
      Release time:2024-09-02      Click:148

      In recent times, as the relentless heatwave has posed significant challenges, the seafarers aboard our group's three ocean-going vessels have risen to the occasion with unwavering dedication and a spirit of sacrifice. Braving the intense heat, they have put in their utmost effort, facing the "heat" challenge head-on to ensure safety and drive production forward.

      This summer, the high-temperature conditions have persisted for an extended duration. Navigating the vast ocean with no shelter, the steel decks of the ships soar to temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees Celsius under the midday sun. In extreme scenarios, the coal transported by the vessels can spontaneously combust within the cargo holds. Traversing the 200-meter length of the deck, crew members are drenched in sweat, enduring the sweltering heat with resilience.

      Ensuring crew safety amidst summer heatwaves without compromising ship operations is now the foremost concern for port managers at maritime companies. During routine gatherings, General Manager Zhang Zhaolei consistently underscores that production should never be at the cost of the crew's well-being; putting people first is paramount. In the face of severe weather, it's crucial to devise work schedules that are considerate of safety, facilitate conditions conducive to secure production, guarantee the availability of essential supplies for both work and living, showcase the company's commitment to human welfare, and fully dedicate efforts to preventing fires and mitigating the risks associated with high temperatures throughout the summer season.

      In alignment with the "Safety Production Month" initiative by the State Council's Safety Committee Office and the directives from the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Safety Administration, and other regulatory bodies, shore-based managers at shipping firms are earnestly executing the "Summer Four Protections" mandate. They routinely visit vessels for oversight and support, conducting fire safety drills and emergency evacuation exercises to bolster the crew's readiness for emergencies and improve their response skills. To counter the frequent summer risks of fires and heatstroke, work schedules have been shifted to the cooler morning and evening periods. The company adheres to the principles of early planning, early action, and early preparation, actively communicating knowledge about summer heatstroke prevention and fire safety to employees. This is achieved through meetings and sharing real-life accident scenarios to deeply embed a culture of safety that resonates with everyone's thoughts and feelings.

      Furthermore, the company is deeply committed to the welfare of its seafarers, consistently rolling out initiatives like the "Summer Cool Relief" program, which boosts the provision of refreshments such as mineral water, soft drinks, and mung bean soup to alleviate the heat. This initiative aims to deliver comfort and care directly to the crew's hearts. To further support their health, the company also supplies essential medical items like Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid and first aid kits, ensuring a comprehensive approach to heat-related health management and significantly boosting the crew's sense of belonging and contentment.

      The intense heatwave presents no barrier to our commitment to safety. Every shore-based staff member and crew member at our shipping company is dedicated to reinforcing their sense of duty, persisting in maintaining safe operations throughout the summer season, and relentlessly ensuring the safe navigation of our vessels, thereby securing the safety of our ship operations.

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      Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

      Design and production:Winsharing