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      Group’s 2020 Summary And Commendation Conference Was Held Grandly
      Release time:2021-04-02      Click:996

      On February 9th, 2021,  Orient Group 2020 Summary And Commendation Conference was held grandly in the banquet hall of Gold Coast Hotel. President Liu Guomin delivered the important speech and General Manager Jian Hui summarized works in 2020 and planned works in 2021. 

      President addressed that in 2020, the group company under the companys leadership overcame the influence of adverse factors and the COVOD-19 epidemic under the complicated situations and seized the favorable opportunities to resume production in a rapid way and most companies have achieved good performance. Especially the real estate sector and the construction sector had always maintained a good development trend. Other subsidiary companies and branch companies also overcame many difficulties in their fields and obtained certain achievements; though due to the epidemic, some companies suffered significant declines in performance in the first half year, they kept calm facing crisis, timely adjusted strategies and reversed the situation in the second half year which was also worth of recognition. Meanwhile, each company and department also got improved in such aspects including management level, service sense, market development, career quality, risk control and management, etc. Though we had made some achievements, there were still some problems and weak links existing during our operation and development process. First was that some cadres and employees were still slacking off in thoughts and behavior. As slacking meant laziness and being content with the status quo and doing no attempt to make progress, all of us who had the above problems should correct by themselves and others should also examine themselves day by day. Under the market economy, no idler was allowed in any job and no lazy man was accepted by any team. Second was that delicacy management should be further enhanced. Though the group company had given hopes and requirements on delicacy management, some companies and individuals had not fully understood them and there were deviations in implementation which did not match the groups requirements.Third was that the appraisal mechanism should be further improved. Many cadres and employees only understood the appraisal literally without deeply understanding the meaning and function of the appraisal mechanism. Especially in performance appraisal, some companies and departments tended to be equalitarian which violated the principles of performance appraisal and their ideological consciousness needed to be improved urgently. Fourth was that self-driving for learning was not strong enough. The group company had always supported all of us in learning and also invested generously in this aspect. Most cadres and employees had a good learning attitude but some employees still needed to improve themselves. Fifth was that some cadres and employees lost their pure heart in doing business and works. One with wicked ideas could not do job well. Whiling facing problems, one should, based on the essence of problems, ask himself/herself questions such as what was the job responsibilities, what was the purpose of work and what was the principles of handling matters.Only by adhering to the right paths could one make innovation and only with steadfast behavior could one go longer.

      The president also stressed that the year 2020 celebrated the 100th anniversary of CPC and during the 100 years splendid journey, CPCs original aspiration became even firmer as time went by. Such a spirit should not only be the belief of national development but also the belief of our corporate development! Orient Group had braved the wind and waves on its journey and we should not forget the belief and forgot to struggle at any time! He said that in the new year, we should take strengthening leading industries, supporting competitive industries, digging potential industries as the guiding ideology to deepen real estate strategies and form a new pattern of cyclic development featuring coordinated development between upstream and downstream industries and joint development of supporting service industries driven by construction and real estate development as two wings. While strengthening and highlighting industrial advantages, we should also promote industrial upgrading and cultivate new growth points by optimizing the groups resource structure! In addition, we still needed to focus on implementation and steady promotion of management upgrading, service optimization, business development and talent strategies so as to provide good guarantee for the groups healthy development and safe operation; tried our best to make breakthroughs in the groups development pace, development quality and realization of development effects. 

      Jian Hui, general manager summarized various works completion conditions in the group in 2020 in an object and comprehensive way.He said that in 2020, under the leadership of the president and the group team, all employees in Orient Group stuck to the targets assigned at the beginning of 2020, overcame various difficulties and marched forward with one heart and one mind to complete various economic indicators successfully. Though having made some achievements, there were still some problems and weak links according to the companys development targets and requirements which were mainly shown as:first, due to objective and subjective reasons, some subsidiary companies did not complete their annual indicators which meant that we had slowed down our working pace with insufficient sense of urgency. Second, we lacked in core talents, for which we should strengthen the cultivation of current talents, accelerate the introduction of excellent employees and enrich our talent pool.Third, as the companys business sectors developed, we also entered some new sectors and we should carefully consider such issues as how to rapidly gain sufficient experience and develop our new businesses into strong powers in driving the companys sustainable development. Fourth, the groups works related with receivables should be enhanced. We should take care of these issues seriously and adopt effective measures to overcome and solve them in a feasible way. On the conference, the general manager also added and highlighted some contents:keeping improving the sales of parking spaces and storerooms; listing the Phase V of Royal City as one of the groups important works in 2021; launching and starting the construction of Kangyang Real Estate Project in 2021 and increasing land reserve.

      The general manager reported targets and tasks for each company under the group in 2021. He stressed that the groups general targets in 2021 had been confirmed and each company should keep up their spirits, have a clear understanding of the development trend, strengthen development belief and accept new challenges with brand new spiritual appearance and enthusiasm in work. Hoped that all cadres and employees would be united as one, realistic and pragmatic and daring to accept challenges. I believed that with the strong backup provided by the president and the group team and the joint efforts by our excellent employees in Orient Group, we would write a more splendid chapter in 2021!

      On the conference, the group companys general manager declared post adjustment of some employees in 2021 and decisions of defining different levels of supervisors. Wang Jibo, deputy general manager declared decisions of commending advanced individuals and companies in 2020 with three advanced companies and 46 advanced individuals commended.Wang Yuanxin and Liu lei, the groups deputy general managers as well as 207 representatives of employees attended the conference.  Liu Qiang, general Party branch secretary hosted the conference.

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      Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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